Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So here's the guess-sketch of the Senate strategies so far: It seems that Reid is trying to keep a tight control on Senate proceedings; he's very wary about debate on the Senate floor getting out of hand. So he's managing his time carefully and trying to shoot down the objections of those Senators who want more time or even want to speak in some cases. Example: Vitter had asked for 5 minutes to discuss any part of the bill he wanted, and Reid objected strenuously. He was willing to give him 5 min. to debate on a particular amendment like Webb's but not a free-ranging debate. As Reid's tightly controlling time, he also seems to be tightly controlling the flow of information. On the Hutchison amendment, for example, there was only a single copy of the amendment available at the Senate desk, and the new text of most amendments has not even been revealed yet. Critics of the bill like Vitter and Sessions are trying to open up these tight channels.