Wednesday, June 20, 2007

At the Corner, K-Lo has another vote list, ranking different senators on their levels of support for the bill. A few salient differences from mine: hers has Gordon Smith (R-OR) as a member of the "Kill Bill Caucus" and has Norm Coleman (R-MN) as likely to support the bill as Trent Lott (R-MS). An interesting list of uncertain senators:

Republicans (12)

Democrats (8)

Burr (NC)

* Chambliss (GA)

* Cochran (MS)

* Cornyn (TX)

Crapo (ID)

Ensign (NV)

Grassley (IA)

Gregg (NH)

Hatch (UT)

Hutchison (TX)

Isakson (GA)

* Sununu (NH)

Bingaman (NM)

Boxer (CA)

Conrad (ND)

* Levin (MI)

Nelson (NE)

Sanders (VT)

Stabenow (MI)

Webb (VA)

Could Stabenow, Levin, and Conrad really turn against the bill? Could they switch to vote against cloture?