Saturday, November 17, 2007

Centralization of power, baby! Yglesias reports on a breakfast in which Speaker Pelosi implies that she may be against the filibuster. Yglesias himself does not approve of the filibuster (calling it a "horrible prop of status quo bias"). With hopes that Democrats will control the House, Senate, and presidency in 2009, are some "progressives" gearing up for a fight to eliminate the filibuster? Especially if Democrats number fewer than 60 in the Senate...kind of like the way Republicans, when they controlled House, Senate, and presidency in 2005, talked about eliminating the filibuster for judicial nominees...Do members of a temporary majority really want to weaken their position when they become a minority again (and, so far at least, every majority has become a minority--just ask George Allen!)? I thought the US Senate was intended to have something of a "status quo bias" or at least a moderating one (and it seems as though many opponents of the filibuster aren't in favor of moderating public passions)....